As I write this, International Women’s Day is coming to a close. A day where we acknowledge the achievements of women and bring awareness to issues that specifically impact women.
Throughout history, countless brave, selfless, intelligent, savvy, incredible women have paved the way for us. I think of Esther, Deborah, and Joanna from the Bible who dared to challenge a king to save her people, ruled as a judge and lead her armies to victory, and funded a ministry her husband opposed.
And I think of women from around the world like Anne Frank, Wilma Mankiller, Rosa Park, Sojourner Truth, Malala Yousafzai, Celia Cruz, Corrie Ten Boom, Maya Angelou, and Junko Tabei just to name a few. Please click on each of their names to learn about their unique historical contribution.
I think of those who were the first in their fields, of the faith they had to believe the impossible was possible. For the courage to fight against norms and narratives to create an opportunity not only for themselves but for generations that followed.
I think of the Asian women, Black women, Indigenous women, Middle Eastern women, White women, Latino and Hispanic women, and Mixed women who questioned and continue to challenge barriers, stereotypes, sexism, and racism to ensure equality and dignity.
But I also think of less famous women. Those whose names aren’t found in internet searches or on the page of any books, but who are equally noteworthy. You might know them as Mom, Grandma, or Auntie. Or maybe it’s your best friend, mentor, pastor (yep, women can do that too), teacher, or coworker.
Friend, YOU are one of those women too. You might not feel like it. But to someone in your life, you are an inspiration. Your faithfulness, prayers, and persistence are making a difference. You are planting seeds and paving the way for others.
I know you get tired.
I do too.
I know you get discouraged and wonder if what you do has any true significance.
It does.
I know you doubt yourself sometimes, questioning if you really have anything to offer.
You do.
I know you get weary because the work is hard and heavy.
In those moments, cling fiercely to your why.
I know you think someone else could do a better job, so why should you do it?
Because God called you and He will equip you one step at a time.
I know some days you want to give up.
Don’t! We need YOU and your unique gifts, passion, perspective & stories!
The older I get, the more I realize just how beautiful and powerful women are.
You are not “just” or “only”.
You are not too late or too young.
You are not too quiet or too much.
You possess something unique and special that only you have the ability to offer to the world. Don’t let fear, age, insecurities, your past, or anything else stop you from sharing your gift.
Hamilton is one of my favorite musicals. In it, Lin Manuel Miranda plays the part of Alexander Hamilton. He defines legacy like this.
What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.
You might never see the impact you have on someone else. But you also have no idea what a powerful legacy you are leaving for the girls and women who will follow in your footsteps.
Friend, what seeds are you planting?
Have you grown weary? Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve planted any seeds. It’s not too late. Pray and ask God to remind you of your purpose or to reignite your passion.
Maybe you’re not sure what or where you should be planting. Pray. Ask God to guide you and give you clarity in your purpose or calling.
Maybe you’re already on fire. If so, keep going! And along the way, see who you can invite, encourage, affirm, and advocate for.
God is doing a new thing…and He’s inviting you to join Him!
In the comments, share who left a legacy for you & why they’re so special. Let’s celebrate the amazing women in our lives. I can’t wait to learn more about you and the women who’ve impacted your story.
I’m cheering for you!
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A Little Something Extra…
Each week, I like to share a little something extra, something I’ve found fun or helpful. It might be a post, book, podcast, tv show, movie, song, Bible verse…or something else I think you’ll enjoy.
And the Winner Is….
Last week, I hosted my first giveaway here at Mixed.ology. Today I’m SO excited to announce the winner!
Leah E.- You’ve won I Take My Coffee Black and A Door Made for Me, both by Tyler Merritt. I’ll be connecting via email to arrange the delivery of your prizes.
Thanks to everyone who entered! Stay tuned. I plan to have a few more giveaways this spring with the special release of some highly anticipated books!
Be sure to follow Mixed.ology on Instagram and Facebook for the most current Mixed Race content.
Thank you for this, Torrie! Grateful for you.