Thank you for being so honest and vulnerable. I, too, have a day job which I love and feel like there isn't enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done to reach my writing goals. One thing that has helped me is to focus on even the small things that are helping me move forward. They might not seem big but they are. I have this journal and every day I write down what I did to reach my writing goals. It all adds up. In December, I couldn't add much because we were sick but that is fine! We need to focus on what we can do realistically. Cheering you on!

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Totally agree. I love the journal for keeping track of the small wins. Like you said...they add up. Great reminder.

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Jan 11Liked by Torrie Sorge

Torrie, it's such a cliche (which we writers work to avoid) but honestly, my jaw almost dropped when I read your post just now. I am 70, several decades older than you for sure, but I haven't had margins in my life literally since I was 14. I am just now learning that I've made productivity an idol in my desire to be useful in God's kingdom, to be an achiever, to live a life of significance. If you get a chance, please read my post from 48 hours ago here: https://www.maggierowe.com/post/if-you-re-not-dead-you-re-not-done-and-other-truisms-from-aging-anonymous-a-giveaway. It's about all the places I'm NOT going and what I'm NOT doing this year. I'm so proud of you for embracing this lesson at a much earlier season of life! Bless you, friend.

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Jan 11Liked by Torrie Sorge

PS - may I have permission to quote from this post in a future weekly blogpost of my own? You captured so well what I was trying to tell my readers this week.

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Absolutely! So glad it spoke to you.

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Life is a journey. There's always something to learn (or unlearn) regardless of our age. As we get older, it's easy for us to fall into the "that's just how I am" or "that's how it's always been" mindset. I think it's beautiful that you're willing to let God continue to grow/prune.

Thanks for sharing your post.

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Love this one! I can definitely relate!

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Happy New Year friend! Here’s to settling into where God’s placed us ☺️💛

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